
Scientific Coordinator

Prof. Roberto Di Cosmo, University Paris-Diderot, Paris, France.

  • email: roberto AT dicosmo DOT org

Administrative Project Manager

Anne-Sophie Réfloch, University Paris-Diderot, Paris, France.


Mailing Lists

The mancoosi-announce mailing list carries announcement of the project to the general public. Subscription is open.

There are also specialized mailing lists for dedicated technical discussions of the technical workpackages. Potential subscribers should contact the respective work package leaders if they are interested in joining the discussion:

  • WP2 - Models for the description of software artifacts and the upgradeability process
  • WP3 - Transactional upgrades
  • WP4 - Study and development of specialized upgradability solvers
    • Michel Rueher, University of Nice, michel DOT rueher AT gmail DOT com
  • WP5 - International competition of constraint solvers for upgradeability problems
    • Ralf Treinen, University Paris-Diderot, treinen AT pps DOT jussieu DOT fr

The Mancoosi Forge

The original Mancoosi Project Forge has been closed down. For the current state of software development issued from the project, see the Irill project on