Date Tags git / svn

I’m definitely fed up with the lack of feature of svn. I always end up making backup copies of files, committing the wrong patch set, being unable to cherry-pick what to commit, not to talk about branching, merging and other marry activities. So today I overcome my laziness and setup a git svn repository for dose3 (since it’s all there, go ahead, and be happy!).

The concept of git svn if pretty easy. You work with git, and from time to time, you commit in svn. Best of both worlds, and ppl won’t even notice that you are not using their pet SCM, apart for the happy look of your face :)

First let’s clone the svn repo :

git svn clone

This will probably hangup if you have big files in the svn repo. I don’t think it’s a problem with svn itself, but more likely a problem with the forge at Anyway, if this happen, just go in the dose3 directory and finish it up with a git svn fetch

Now it’s time to sync all you changes and test from your old svn tree. I choose to rsync everything away :

rsync -avz --exclude=.svn --exclude=_build ../mancoosi-public/trunk/dose3/ .

of course we want to exclude all the compilation leftovers and .svn directories …

Ahhhhhhh freedom. Now I can edit, stash away changes, commit, uncommit, rebase, cherry-pick… I feel home.

At the end of the day we have to check if somebody updated the svn repo with git svn rebase, maybe resolve a couple of conflicts and then I can commit all my work with git svn dcommit.

I’ve been working with git svn only for a couple of days now, but I feel it pretty stable and trustworthy.