Package Managers Comparison - take 2

On year ago, we (the mancoosi team) published a comparison study regarding the state of the art of dependency solving in debian. As few noticed, the data presented had few glitches that I promised to fix. So we’ve repeated our tests using exactly the same data we used one year ago, but now using the latest available versions of all package managers as available in debian unstable.

During the last year, three out of four solver that we evaluated release a major upgrade so I expected many improvements in performances and accuracy.

  • apt-get 0.8.10 -> 0.9.7
  • aptitude 0.6.3 -> 0.6.7
  • smart 1.3-1 -> 1.4
  • cupt -> 2.5.6

Mpm, our test-bench for new technologies, changed quite a bit under the wood as a consequence of the evolution of apt-cudf and the recent work done in apt-get to integrate external cudf dependency solvers.

Overall the results of our study are not changed. All solvers but mpm, that is based on aspcud, are not scalable as the number of packages (and alternatives) grows. It seems that Smart is the solver that does not give up, incurring in a timeout (fixed at 60 seconds) most of the time. Aptitude is the solver that tried to give you a solution, doesn’t matter what and as result providing solutions that do not satisfy the user request for one reason or the other. Apt-get does surprisingly well, but it gives up pretty often showing the incomplete nature of it’s internal solver. Cupt sometimes timeout, sometimes gives up, but when it is able to provide an answer it is usually optimal and it is very fast … Mpm consistently finds an optimal solution, but sometimes it takes really a long time to do it. Since mpm is written in python and not optimized for speed this is not a big problem for us. The technology used by mpm is now integrated in apt-get and I hope this will alleviate this problem.

All the details of our study can be found one the Mancoosi Website as usual with a lot of details. For example here you can find the results when mixing four major releases : sarge-etch-lenny-squeeze.

Comments are more then welcome.

How to convince cupt and smartpm to ignore the gpg signature of a Release file

I’m blogging about this small configuration issue as it took me some time to figure out how to configure cupt and smart to solve this problem. The reason I’m playing with cupt and smartpm is that I’m working to compare again a number of package managers in debian against the state of the art cudf solvers using mpm, and I’m suffering quite a bit to configure my virtual environment. Last year I promised to revise and fix our results. I didn’t forget my promise, but it seems it took longer then expected.

Anyway, back to the main topic. The release-problem arises because the key used to sign sarge (that I’m using as baseline for my experiments) is long expired. If you try to retrieve sarge from you will find that sarge is signed with the key A70DAF536070D3A1 and apt-get will complain loudly if you try to use an archive signed with an expired key.


For cupt this is documented in the man page and there are a number of options to add either to /etc/apt/apt.conf to the the cupt own conf file. Then cupt will happily accept the sarge Packages file and let you run update.

cupt::cache::release-file-expiration::ignore "true";
cupt::update::check-release-files "false";
cupt::update::keep-bad-signatures "true";


For smart I could not found this information anywhere, but reading the source code (tnx good it’s python !). To cut it short, you need to set the key trustdb to an empty value for a specific channel. On the command line you get something like :

smart channel --set aptsync-614482cb2c7e08d5722af3498232ba52 keyring= --config-file=/root/var/lib/smart/config

where aptsync-614482cb2c7e08d5722af3498232ba52 is the channel name corresponding to sarge in my conf. Since I’m using a simulated environment, I save the result of this option in a non-default config file in my chroot.