Date Tags xen

Well today I tried to understand why our production server (shame shame) has rebooted twice in a row in the last 3 days. The only visible problem in the logs is the infamous xen error : ” xen_net: Memory squeeze in netback driver.” . Googling around it seems kinda common and the recommended solution is to add dom0-min-mem to xend.conf and dom0_mem as a kernel option. I’ve done that and updated the xen hypervisor to the latest bakcported version. The machine is up and running and everything seems fine at the moment. I didn’t touch the kernel. This is an other avenue that I might explore if what I’ve done today didn’t fix the problem.

The second problem today was related to mysql. I wanted to configure it to use SSL. Configuring mysql and the client is not too difficult. And this is working just fine. On the other hand I haven’t manage to convince php5 to connect via ssl. Googleing around didn’t help much.

By default mysql allows non encrypted connections. To force the connection to use SSL, you must specify it per user basis with REQUIRE SSL in a grant statement.