
After a bit of struggling I managed to convert the Cduce manual and tutorial in a drupal friendly format that I then imported for editing.

In the process I discovered that cduce does not handle cdata sections and is also not able to print xml that is not well-formed. Regarding the first problem, I plan to implement this feature shortly. Chatting with Alain, this can either be done by writing a printing function to flag to the xml printer that a string is actually a cdata section, or by adding a new type to type cdata section properly. I’m more inclined for he second solution and I’ll start working on it soon.

Regarding the second problem, this limitation make cduce less flexible than other solutions to handle xml, but at the same time is perfectly reasonable considering that cduce is a strongly typed language. However I think that adding a flag to the xml printer to output not well formed xml can be an handy feature to have.

At the end of the day I’ve resorted to write a simple xslt stylesheet to do the conversion (attached) and I’ll blog shortly about one small thing I didn’t know about xsl.

In the process I’ve also fixed a small bug in a drupal module.

The manual and tutorial are available here:

I’ll use these copies to update the documentation and eventually convert everything back to the original format.

This is the live tracker :