Date Tags ocaml

Well … it seems that planet ocaml is faster then light to index new pages… I often start editing one story to publish it few days later to avoid stupid mistakes. This time I published the page by accident and I think it stayed published for less then two minutes… This is the final versions …

Today i did a small audit on my code to check which are the functions that are often used and can slow down my code. One in particular took my attention, ExtLib.List.unique . This function (below) takes quadratic time on the length of the input list. On big lists, this function is a killer. The algorithm is very simple. Since it accepts a cmp optional argument, it can be much faster if we use a monomorphic comparing function.

let rec unique ?(cmp = ( = )) l =
        let rec loop dst = function
                | [] -> ()
                | h :: t ->
                        match exists (cmp h) t with
                        | true -> loop dst t
                        | false ->
                                let r = { hd =  h; tl = [] }  in
                       <- inj r;
                                loop r t
        let dummy = dummy_node() in
        loop dummy l;

This is a small benchmark (benchmarking is addictive indeed !!) using, the polymorphic and monomorphic variant of List.unique :

open ExtLib ;;

Random.self_init ();;

let list_unique l = List.unique l ;;

let list_unique_mono l =
  let cmp (x : string) (y : string) = x = y in
  List.unique ~cmp l

let run () =
  let rec gen_strings acc = function
    |0 -> acc
    |n -> gen_strings ((string_of_int( 100))::acc) (n-1)
  let a = gen_strings [] 100000 in
  Benchmark.latencyN (Int64.of_int 10) [
run ();;

However if you want to go even faster, you can use a stupid implementation based on hash tables.

let hash_unique l =
  let h = Hashtbl.create (List.length l) in
  let add n =
    if not(Hashtbl.mem h n) then
      Hashtbl.add h n ()
  List.iter add l;
  Hashtbl.fold (fun k _ acc -> k::acc) h []

The results are quite clear…

Latencies for 10 iterations of "list_unique", "list_unique_mono", "hash_unique":
     list_unique:  5.34 WALL ( 5.24 usr +  0.06 sys =  5.30 CPU) @  1.89/s (n=10)
     list_unique_mono:  1.41 WALL ( 1.31 usr +  0.08 sys =  1.39 CPU) @  7.18/s (n=10)
     hash_unique:  0.21 WALL ( 0.18 usr +  0.03 sys =  0.21 CPU) @ 48.07/s (n=10)

In this test with a long list and many repetition, the difference is remarkable. the function hash_unique is not stable, but if you don’t care, it does the job pretty well. If you want an even faster implementation based on list that is also not stable, you can write a small function that remove duplicates on a sorted list.