Date Tags ocaml

This is just a quicky to start off the day. I often write fatal error message using a combination of Printf.eprintf ;; exit 1 ;; failwith ;; assert false ;;``` etc ... For example to throw a fatal exception with a message I would write the overly verbose

failwith (Printf.sprintf "this is a fatal error in module %s" modulename)

I see these idioms everywhere and I find them a bit ugly...

If we use Printf.kprintf we can write the statement above in a bit more compact way as:

let fatal fmt = Printf.kprintf failwith fmt ;

Moreover, we add a label to the function fatal and instantiate it once in every module we can get a localize error message for free. Something like :

let fatal label fmt =
  let l = Printf.sprintf "Fatal error in module %s: " label in
  Printf.kprintf (fun s -> failwith (l^s)) fmt
val fatal : string -> ('a, unit, string, 'b) format4 -> 'a = <fun>
# let local_error = fatal "module" ;;
val local_error : ('_a, unit, string, '_b) format4 -> '_a = <fun>
# local "aaaa %d %d" 1 1;;
Exception: Failure "Fatal error in module module: aaaa 1 1".
# local_error "message %d %d" 1 1;;
Exception: Failure "Fatal error in module module: message 1 1".

It would be awesome to have a localized version in the source code as with assert , but I don't think this is possible to do in a generic way. Something like : Exception: Failure "Fatal error in module module (line 144, 63): message 1 1".

I guess this can be done with camlp4. We can catch the line and column like :

let (line,col) =
        try assert false
        with Assert_failure ("", line, col) -> (line,col)

and then feed this info in fatal . Maybe I’ll get 5 mins to write this macro. This cannot be done statically as the line reported of assert false will always be the same …