The other day I played a bit with gammu on my laptop. The integrated modem is an Ericsson F3507g. There are a lot of useful info about this modem. This is just a resume different info I found on the net.

First you would need to install gammu, that is packaged for debian, so no prob. The to connect to the modem you would need a file .gammurc in you home directory (or in /etc) and the correct permission to talk to the modem. This is how my conf file looks like:

port = /dev/ttyACM0
connection = at19200

To enable the modem, if it is not already enabled at boot, you will have to switch it on then then initialize it.

echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/thinkpad_acpi/wwan_enable
/usr/sbin/chat -v "" "AT+CFUN=1" "+PACSP0" "AT" "OK" > /dev/ttyACM2 <  /dev/ttyACM2 

And this is it. Gammu is ready to talk to the modem and tell me few info :

zed:~# gammu --identify
Device               : /dev/ttyACM0
Manufacturer         : Ericsson
Model                : unknown (F3507g)
Firmware             : R1B/1
IMEI                 : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
SIM IMSI             : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The ref man of gammu is something nice to have at hand …

Unfortunately I’ve realized that the SIM card I’m using is not able to register to the net…

zed:~# gammu --networkinfo
Network state        : registration to network denied
GPRS                 : detached

Digging a bit more, this is can be seen directly talking AT with the modem:

+CREG: 2,3

This page details the list of AT commands you can use. The 3 part in +CREG: 2,3 means “Registration denied” … sigh, sime to find a new sim…