In the same spirit of this blog post , this is a simple bash function to simulate an aptitude run on a given status and packages list. We assume yes for all question so to make aptitude not interactive and we assume the flag -f in order to alway try to fix broken universe before trying to satisfy the request.

fakeaptitude() {
    aptitude -s \
        -o APT::Get::List-Cleanup="false" \
        -o Dir::Cache=$aptroot \
        -o Dir::State=$aptroot \
        -o Dir::State::status=$aptroot/status \
        -o Dir::Etc::SourceList=$aptroot/sources.list \
        -o APT::Architecture=amd64 \
        -o Aptitude::CmdLine::Fix-Broken="true" \
        -o Aptitude::CmdLine::Assume-Yes="true" \

initapt() {
  mkdir -p $aptroot/{archives,lists}/partial
  cp status.$list $aptroot/status
  if [ ! -f $list.packages.gz ]; then
    gzip $list.packages
  cp $list.packages.gz $aptroot/lists/Packages.gz
cat<<EOF > $aptroot/sources.list
deb file:$aptroot/lists/ ./
fakeaptitude update