Date Tags apple

I just stumbled on this patent application from apple. The content is quite hilarious and scaring at the same time :

Apple can further determine whether a user pays attention to the advertisement. The determination can include performing, while the advertisement is presented, an operation that urges the user to respond; and detecting whether the user responds to the performed operation. If the response is inappropriate or nonexistent, the system will go into lock down mode in some form or other until the user complies. In the case of an iPod, the sound could be disconnected rendering it useless until compliance is met. For the iPhone, no calls will be able to be made or received.”

I would say that the future of apple products is not for the faint of heart … Maybe I’m a control freak, but if I buy a product from somebody, I would like to decide how and when to use this product more then let somebody else to enforce any kind of behavior on me… ahahah, and I’m sure apple fun boys will just shallow this as a new fantastic advancement in technology and design :)