Puppet has a built-in functionality to serve small files to its clients. However, for my internal use I sometimes find easier to create a custom debian package to install a specific component then to write a puppet recipe and to copy files around.

To create a local debian repository I use the package reprepro. This is a simple tool that creates and manages apt repository, it is easy to configure and for the moment it lived fully to my expectations.

First of all you need to create a configuration file where you describe your distribution. In this case I choose /var/www/debian/conf/distributions and add the following content :

Origin: PCPool
Label: PCPool
Suite: stable
Codename: pcpool
Version: 3.0
Architectures: i386 amd64
Components: contrib
Description: puppet support package repository
SignWith: D3CF695E

Notice that since reprepro wants to sign your repository, you need to provide a gpg keyid for it.

To add a package to the repository it is straightforward :

reprepro -Vb /var/www/debian/ includedeb pcpool /tmp/msm_1-2_all.deb

As I said, since the repository is signed, we need to make have a way to add the keyid to the known keys of the target machine. In order to achieve this, we add the following puppet recipe :

class apt {
    #local repo sign key
    $keyid = "D3CF695E"

    exec { "apt-update":
        command => "/usr/bin/apt-get update",
        refreshonly => true;

    file { "/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/pcpool.gpg":
        source => "puppet://$server/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/pcpool.gpg"

#    file { "/root/pcpool.key":
#       source => "puppet://$server/files/root/pcpool.key"
#    }

#    exec { "apt-key":
#        path        => '/bin:/usr/bin',
#        environment => 'HOME=/root',
#        command     => "apt-key add /root/pcpool.key",
#        unless      => "apt-key list | grep $keyid",
#        subscribe   => File["/root/pcpool.key"]
#    }

    file { "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/puppet.list":
        content => "deb http://puppet/debian/ pcpool contrib\n",
        owner   => root,
        group   => root,
        mode    => 0644,
        notify  => Exec["apt-update"]

class msm {
    package { "msm": ensure => installed }

First we copy the keyid that we have stored in the puppet file bucket in the root directory of the client, then we exec the apt-key command. Note that since puppet executes each action in parallel, we must specify an execution order using the attributes subscribe and notify. Similarly as soon as the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/puppet.list is added to the machine, we run apt-get update to refresh the cache of apt.

The last stanza simply installs the package that we added to the local repository.


There is a better way to add a gpg key, that is to put it in the /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d directory. Thanks for the suggestion !